Source code for satmo.geo

import os

import pyproj
from affine import Affine
from import CRS
import rasterio
import netCDF4 as nc
from pint import UnitRegistry
ureg = UnitRegistry()

from .utils import filename_parser

[docs]def geo_dict_from_nc(nc_file, proj4string = None): """Retrieves the georeferencing parameters from a netcdf file produced with l3mapgen See for justification of the approach used in this function to retrieve the projected extent. Args: nc_file (str): Path to netcdf file proj4string (str): Optional. proj4string previously passed to l3mapgen (projection=) retrieved from the file metadata if not provided Return: Dictionary with georeferencing parameters Examples: # Given a netcdf file produced with: # $l3mapgen ifile=T2016292.L3b_DAY_OC resolution=1km south=26 north=40 west=-155 east=-140 projection="+proj=laea +lat_0=33 +lon_0=-147" >>> import rasterio >>> from pprint import pprint >>> >>> geo_dict = geo_dict_from_nc('', "+proj=laea +lat_0=33 +lon_0=-147") >>> pprint(geo_dict) {'affine': Affine(1160.0, 0.0, -800596.8665952191, 0.0, -1160.0, -746017.3077247943), 'crs': CRS({'lon_0': -147, 'proj': 'laea', 'lat_0': 33}), 'height': 1361, 'width': 1295} >>> geo_dict.update(driver = u'GTiff', dtype = rasterio.float32, count = 1, nodata = -32767) >>> >>> import numpy as np >>> >>> nc_con = nc.Dataset(file_path) >>> rrs_555 = nc_con.variables['Rrs_555'][:] >>> nc_con.close() >>> >>> with'rrs_555.tif', 'w', **geo_dict) as dst: >>> dst.write_band(1, rrs_555.astype(rasterio.float32)) """ with nc.Dataset(nc_file) as src: res_str = src.groups['processing_control']['input_parameters'].resolution res = ureg(res_str).to(ureg.m).magnitude height = src.number_of_lines width = src.number_of_columns if proj4string is None: proj4string = src.map_projection # Dictionary representation of proj4string crs = CRS.from_string(proj4string) # sw longlat extent will be used to retrieve xmin sw_ll = (src.westernmost_longitude, src.southernmost_latitude) # Southest point of the projected extent should be at lon_0 (crs definition)/southernmost_latitude # It is used to retrieve ymin south_center_ll = (crs['lon_0'], src.southernmost_latitude) # Define pyproj transformation object p = pyproj.Proj(proj4string) # Convert coordinate pairs to projected CRS x_min, y_dummy = p(*sw_ll) x_dummy, y_min = p(*south_center_ll) y_max = y_min + height * res # Build geo dict geo_dict = {'affine': Affine(res, 0.0, x_min, 0.0, -res, y_max), 'height': height, 'width': width, 'crs': crs} return geo_dict
[docs]def get_raster_meta(x, **kwargs): """Retrieve a full meta dict as required by rasterio from a nc or tiff file driver is always assigned geoTiff, and lzw tiff compression is enabled Args: x (str): Level L3m filename (tif or netcdf). Must comply with OC standards defined in **kwargs: ONly one implemented: proj4string (str): OPtional, passed to geo_dict_from_nc() Returns: dict: A dictionary as used by rasterio """ _, ext = os.path.splitext(x) if ext == '.nc': var = filename_parser(x)['variable'] # Get spatial elements from ncdf file meta = geo_dict_from_nc(x, **kwargs) # Get geophysical variable specific elements with nc.Dataset(x) as src: dtype = str(src.variables[var].dtype) nodata = src.variables[var]._FillValue meta.update(driver = u'GTiff', dtype = dtype, count = 1, nodata = nodata) else: with as src: meta = src.meta meta.update(compress='lzw') return meta