satmo.visualization module


Generate figure title from file name

Meant to be used by the make_preview() function. Parses a file name and produces a string to be used as title for the preview figure

Example map titles include:
  • Daily Chlor_a aqua 2014-01-27
  • Daily SST combined 2014-01-27
  • 8 day composite SST combined 2014-01-27 (date corresponds to first day of the compositing period)
  • 8 day composite SST Climatology January 1
  • Example file names are:
  • T2014027.L3m_DAY_CHL_chlor_a_1km.tif
  • X2014027.L3m_DAY_SST_sst_1km.tif
  • X2014027.L3m_8DAY_SST_sst_1km.tif
  • XCLIM027.L3m_8DAY_SST_sst_1km.tif (climatology)
  • T2004005.L3m_DAY_CHL_chlor_a_250m.tif
Parameters:file (str) – File name (usually a geoTiff)
Returns:Figure title
Return type:str
Parameters:file (str) – Path to a raster file containing a single layer (usually a geoTiff)
Returns:Filename of the png file created
Return type:str