Extending the system

Adding a new product or dataset

  • Write a metadata parsing function on the model of landsat_espa or srtm.

  • Write a product description file and add it to madmex/conf/indexing.

  • Write an ingestion file and add it to madmex/conf/ingestion.

  • Document it in the prepare_metadata command line

Developping a recipe

  • Write the recipe function. The function should accept 4 arguments (tile, gwf, center_dt, path). tile is a tuple as returned by gwd.list_cells(), gwf is a GridWorkflow instance, center_dt is a datetime, and path is a string. The function should write to a netcdf file and return the path (str) of the file created.

  • Write a product configuration file and place it in madmex/conf/indexing

  • Add an entry to the RECIPES dictionary in madmex.recipes.__init__.py (product is the datacube product to query in the command line (apply_recipe), and that will be passed to the function through the tile argument)

  • Add a meaningful example to the docstring of the apply_recipe command line.

Adding a new predictive model

Write a class named Model in a file named after the model you are implementing under madmex.modeling.supervised. The new class must inherit from madmex.modeling.BaseModel.

Adding a new segmentation algorithm

Coming soon