Command line interface

All command line interface start with the prefix antares. Simply running antares in a terminal will give a list of all available commands. Detailed help of each command line can then be accessed by running antares command_line --help. An example of help pages, returned by the --help flag is given at the bottom of this page.

Command list

System administration


Short description

antares init

Perform initial system setup (database, configuration files)

Data preparation


Short description

antares rasterize_vector_file

Generate a tiled raster product from any vector file

antares make_country_mask

Generate a tiled raster binary mask for any country

antares prepare_metadata

Generate metadata for a given dataset prior to datacube indexing

Data download


Short description

antares create_order

Place a Landsat surface reflectance pre-processing order to espa

antares download_order

Download a previously placed espa processing order



Short description

antares ingest_catalog

Ingest Landsat data catalog into the database

antares ingest_footprints

Ingest shapefile of Landsat scenes footprints into the database

antares ingest_training

Ingest training data into the database

antares ingest_validation

Ingest validation data into the database



Short description

antares db_to_vector

Export the result of a classification to a vector file

antares db_to_raster

Export the result of a classification to a raster file

antares generate_style

Export the information of a given scheme to a QGIS style file



Short description

antares apply_recipe

Generate a new datacube product from a defined recipe

antares segment

Run segmentation and write the output to the database

antares model_fit

Train a model given a training set and a datacube product

antares model_predict

Predict land cover pixel based given a trained model

antares model_predict_object

Predict land cover for a set of segmentation polygons

antares detect_change

Run change detection and classification between two products



Short description

antares validate

Validate a classification using an ingested set of validation data

Inventory, parameters retrieval


Short description

antares list

List models, training sets, classifications, segmentation, … present in the database

antares bi_change_params

Retrieve list of change detection algorithm implemented and their parameters

antares model_params

Retrieve list of models implemented and their parameters

antares segment_params

Retrieve list of segmentation agorithms implemented and their parameters

Help page example

Running antares model_fit --help returns:

System Message: ERROR/6 (/home/travis/build/CONABIO/antares3/docs/cli.rst, line 126)

Command 'antares model_fit --help' failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'antares': 'antares'